Incredibly easy step to Remove the Blogger Navbar

This step is incredibly easy. Simply copy and paste the following piece of code directly above the #header-wrapper line in the ‘Edit HTML’ view of your blog:

#navbar-iframe {

height: 0px;

visibility: hidden;

display: none;


Save the template and you’re done!

Note: Removing the Navbar is possibly against the Blogger Terms of Service. On their site, they state that the Navbar may be removed for those publishing via FTP to their own server. They do not explicitly state that other users can not do it too. Furthermore, the fact that they allow you to edit the HTML of your blog gives the impression that you can display your blog as you wish. But there is no definitive answer. You’ve been warned!

<div id='header-wrapper'>

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='5' showaddelement='yes'>

<b:widget id='Header1' locked='false' title='blogtitle (Header)' type='Header'/>


Save it and you’re done! You should now be able to add a picture to the header. Be careful with the size of your picture. I’ve found that if the picture is too big, it won’t display. If your picture doesn’t display, try reducing the size.

That’s how easy it is!

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Mizake said:

* This is sample for li line 1

* This is sample for li line 2

* This is sample for li line 3

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